What We Do

Investment Process

Our disciplined investment process is top-down and bottom-up with an emphasis on long term “value” investing. Essentially, what this means is that we rely on macroeconomics, government policy and security analysis to set asset allocation for clients. We select investments and securities based on fundamental analysis, intrinsic value and potentially discounted opportunities. Since we are independent, our approach is truly client-centric.

Wealth Management Process

Our objective is to create a unique and differentiated process that amalgamates the important things in our clients’ lives like health, family, career, and their financial life. The investment plan (Wells Fargo Advisors’ Envision® Plan) created for clients will include Monte Carlo Simulation, cash flow analysis, estate planning, and tax-efficient strategies. Joe Modica will manage client portfolios that are designed for income, growth, and capital preservation. We are committed to our clients and we define success by our clients’ success.

IMPORTANT: The projections or other information generated by Envision regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. Results may vary with each use and over time.

Envision® methodology: Based on accepted statistical methods, the Envision tool uses a simulation model to test your Ideal, Acceptable and Recommended Investment Plans. The simulation model uses assumptions about inflation, financial market returns and the relationships among these variables. These assumptions were derived from analysis of historical data. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the Envision tool simulates 1,000 different potential outcomes over a lifetime of investing varying historical risk, return, and correlation amongst the assets. Some of these scenarios will assume strong financial market returns, similar to the best periods of history for investors. Others will be similar to the worst periods in investing history. Most scenarios will fall somewhere in between. Elements of the Envision presentations and simulation results are under license from Wealthcare Capital Management LLC. © 2003-2019 Wealthcare Capital Management LLC. All Rights Reserved. Wealthcare Capital Management LLC is a separate entity and is not directly affiliated with Wells Fargo Advisors.